Thursday, January 9, 2014

NY Wage Theft Prevention Act - Employer Requirements

The Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) contains requirements for employers regarding statements issued to employees at the time of hire, annual statements to existing employees, information required to be displayed on pay statements and record-keeping.

The WTPA requires you to give a written notice to each new hire and to all employees on or before February 1st of each year.  Information about the Act and the notices can be found on the New York Department of Labor website. Click here to view the fact sheet.

- Notice for Hourly Rate Employees
- Notice for Exempt Employees
- Notice for Employees Paid a Weekly Rate or a Salary for a Fixed Number of Hours (40 or Fewer in a Week)

You must keep the signed and dated notices and acknowledgement for six years and provide a copy to the employee. The notice of acknowledgement should become part of your New Hire Packet, similar to the W-4 form.

Also, please review any reporting requirements related to payments requiring the issuance of any of the various Form 1099's and be aware of the penalties for not preparing and issuing them.

If you have any questions about the Wage Theft Prevention Act, please contact Anthony Attina C.P.A., P.C. at 631.504.6420 or Email Anthony